crying wont help you praying wont do you no good

oh hello. Can you even believe it’s dragoncon week?
I can’t. My brain isn’t registering it.

Still not done with everything. Still chipping away.

Well Padme is done.

I got the 3d printed buttons glued onto bases, painted and attached. Here they are before any of that.

And I finally finished up the wig.

Although once I finished it, I put it on real quick and realized the whole bun/crown thing in the back was offcenter. Enough to be very noticeable. So I had to take it off and move it, but thankfully that was just a matter of snipping a couple of holding threads. I decided to leave the bun/crown combo hairpiece off and pack it separately – instead of it permanently being sewn onto the base. I think it’ll be easier.

I also restyled my Crait/Raddus Leia wig. No pics of that, but I went to get it to pack and discovered it was a big mess. so I took it all down, brushed it out, and put it all back up. Good to go.

Chase’s Bail mantle and gauntlets are done. And his belt. Last night I got closures sewn into the jacket, now I just need to add elastic stirrups to the pants and it’s done.

Of course Wanda is my problem child. Well not really a problem child, just… taking longer than I would like. this weekend got the front piece painted (more on that later), and last night we finally got that front piece and the stripes glued on. It sat under weights all night to make sure everything would get glued on REAL good.

Tonight I’ve got to trim the excess off the stripes and fold the top edges over. I’m also going to do a few small stitches along the edge of the stripe sections particularly along the curve under the bust just as backup.

Then I’ve got to get the hip panels sewn on, glue my headband into my tiara and… it’s done. Hopefully. I’d like to think I can do all this tonight, but with the way things are going, I’ll probably still have something to finish tomorrow.

I did also finish the gloves.

They’re not great, they’re an absolute bitch to get off and on, but they’re done.

My sewing room floor is a disaster.

Last weekend I was vacuuming and the vacuum started SMOKING! I had gotten enough thread wound up in it that the belt wasn’t able to move and yeah. Chase fixed it but I’ve been scared to use it again LOL If I get everything done tonight maybe tomorrow night I can vacuum again. But I want to get one of those long-handled lint-roller-like floor cleaners. I found a couple on amazon. I think it would be good to be able to roll up the worst of the threads before vacuuming.

Anyway I did get some packing done this weekend. Most everything is packed except the stuff that’s not finished. I’ve been going crazy the past day though because I can’t find my favourite bra!! I’ve looked EVERYWHERE. I’m about to have to start just dumping all the clothes everywhere out and going through things piece by piece to find it. It’s the bra I need to wear with Wanda. Ugh.

Luna decided to be a brat this weekend and we think it was because of painting the Scarlet Witch front piece. Chase airbrushed it in the garage Saturday night and she was sitting up on the kitchen table right by the door, and when we both came in out of the garage she flipped out, hissing, spitting, screaming. We both sat on the floor and talked softly and gave her treats to calm her down but ultimately had to just leave her alone. Later that night she was fine. She was jumpy Sunday morning, but then Sunday afternoon Chase had to airbrush the frontpiece again to touch up some areas, and when I went to go back inside, she was right by the back door and again freaked out. We THINK she could hear the “hissing” of the airbrush and it scared her. But it scared US because obviously we don’t want a repeat of the bladder stone weekend. But there was no peeing, it seemed all directed at us. I plugged her feliway diffuser again Saturay, but didn’t seem to make a difference Sunday. Hopefully now that airbrushing is over she’s back to normal.

All right so now… back to searching for that bra…